5 benefits of homeschooling
Our digital society
24 May 2022


5 benefits of homeschooling

These are some of the benefits you could gain when choosing to homeschool your child.

When considering moving your child to an online school, the two obvious benefits that come to mind are that you won't have to spend any money on a school uniform and on daily transport to school. But when investigating the idea of online schooling further you'll soon find that there are many more benefits that could come with moving your child to an online school. 


If your child needs to spend some time at their grandparent's home or if you're traveling as a family, they won't have to miss their school commitments because with schooling online you have the flexibility to access it anywhere that has a comfortable workspace and a secure internet connection

travelling family

Individual attention

Online schooling can give the opportunity for more individual focus and this can allow a child to go at their pace. With most online schools offering continuous assessment, learners can progress swiftly or lower the pace based on their circumstances or learning abilities. 

Digital exposure

The daily exposure to online schooling will give your child the opportunity to become a digital native. Navigating the hardware, using the online platform, doing online research, cloud computing, digital collaborative tools and so much more.


Less potential for bullying

The school ground can be a tough place for kids. And some kids are victims of bullying, with online schooling there is less potential for bullying. Kids still get to socialise with other children their age, either online in group classes or through extramural activities.

Develop independent learning skills

Self-learning skills can be fostered through online schooling, as online learning gives the learner room to choose how they want to learn and curate their own way of managing their schedule and tasks. 

A great future starts with CambriLearn, connected by Vodacom e-School

CambriLearn, the trusted content provider has partnered with Vodacom e-School to provide premium educational online content. CambriLearn offers the best learning experience, with CAPs content, at a fraction of the cost of enrolling a child in a private school that offers this curriculum. 

Find out more about CambriLearn here. 

Get learning with Vodacom fibre

Vodacom offers a variety of home internet solutions, including fibre-to-the-home and LTE plans. Click here to check if there’s Vodacom fibre coverage in your area. Visit the Vodacom LTE site as well to see our LTE internet products. 

Cover image by Getty Images

