Accelerate your migrations with Vodacom's Cloud Suite
Business tech
02 November 2022


Accelerate your migrations with Vodacom's Cloud Suite

An effective cloud strategy for your business means understanding not just what the cloud does in functional terms, but what it makes achievable.

Any and all business technology should do more than solve a single problem. It should open up new opportunities. That’s certainly what the cloud does today. Demonstrating that what began as an efficient way to store and manage data, infrastructure and applications is now one of the most transformative technologies around.

But while most have invested in the cloud to some degree, many are yet to exploit its full potential for smart working. In other words, they’re yet to take advantage of the possibilities for better connectivity, more mobility, intelligent devices and inspired innovation that the cloud offers. All of which can tangibly benefit their people and their customers.

It’s all about understanding not just what the cloud does in functional terms, but what it makes achievable. As well as which cloud is suited for which purpose. Whether that’s faster decision-making, closer customer relationships or better connections for global businesses.

There are countless businesses to look at and learn from that harness the power of flexibility, agility and speed to grow and gain market share. What they all have in common is the ability to respond to variable business conditions and customer expectations, to change according to demand, and to deploy applications exactly when and where people need them. 

The right partnership

Vodacom Business, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), works closely with our customers to align the following storage outcomes. We follow a four step process to assist you on your journey:

Assessment: This is where we start to understand where customers are: What are the readiness capabilities and where we need to invest as well as understand what steps need to take place to reach the cloud.

Foundation: This is where we do the heavy lifting, getting the base environment ready to scale your cloud adoption, doing the engineering work, setting up connectivity into this environment and ensuring it is secure and complies with organisational needs.

Migration: When we have the foundations in place we can work on the migration plan, decide on the tools we want to use to migrate and then start with a small set of services, ultimately ramping up the migration to a mass-migration scale.

Modernize and Manage: By taking advantage of the flexibility and new capabilities within AWS, This phase allows you to transform your business by speeding up time to market and placing more attention on innovation. It is also there to optimize workloads, whether on performance or cost.

Looking ahead

Data fuels innovation and progress. Constrained, ill-suited or wasteful data storage will inhibit growth and opportunities. Too few organisations don't appreciate the link between their ability to prosper and their data storage strategies. Vodacom Business' project with AWS demonstrates this advantage. We have realised lower costs, faster data storage and recovery, and better use of our professionals' time and skills. The impact is evident on our bottom line and how it reinvigorated our teams' focus on cloud adoption and digital innovation.

Vodacom Business customers of any size and sector can expect the best from our Cloud storage solutions. Collaborate with Vodacom Business and AWS to access the best balance of services across a portfolio of storage types and management services that meet your performance, cost, business continuity, governance, and regulatory needs.

Find out more

Our range of SMART solutions helps you focus on the technology that can help your business grow.

