Autonomous AI and Your Business
Business tech
22 September 2023


Autonomous AI and Your Business

How you can use AI to boost your businesses bottom line.

You’ve been using artificial intelligence (AI) for years now, without even realising it. The previously undiscovered songs on your Spotify stream? That’s AI. The autocorrect function that made your last email a little unintelligible. That was also AI. But there’s far more to the technology than autocompletes and algorithms: AI has become a powerful tool for businesses – large or small.

Large language models (or LLMs) have been getting most of the hype, but while ChatGPT is great at writing school homework assignments, its business applications may seem less obvious. Don’t be fooled, though: the GPT-4 engine can do plenty of useful things for your business.

These include:

  • Customer Care: Using chatbots and conversational interfaces to answer your customers’ questions and offer personalised (and entirely automated) assistance.
  • Operational Efficiency: AI can do repetitive, time-consuming tasks, freeing you and your team up to focus on more complex work.
  • Data Analysis: AI loves to crunch numbers, making it a useful tool for tracking trends and identifying sales leads.
  • Marketing: Social media posts, newsletters, presentations… you name it, AI can do it (though the quality of the outputs may vary).

The good news is that AI doesn’t have to be expensive. Some platforms are accessible even to small businesses with limited budgets. For example…

ChatGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to engage in natural and human-like conversations with users across a wide range of topics and tasks. Powered by the GPT-3.5 architecture, ChatGPT leverages deep learning to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses to user queries. 

Fireflies is the meeting assistant you didn’t know you needed. It records, transcribe and searches your meetings and voice conversations, across any videoconferencing platform. Those notes you always forget to take in the weekly stand-up? Fireflies’ll take ’em. uses GPT-4 technology to help you create content. All you do is enter a basic prompt or create a simple persona (which StoryStation then enhances), and let the bot do its magic. The secret is in the inputs. By enhancing what you feed into the machine, it vastly improves the quality of what you get out!

Grammarly is an AI-powered spellchecker on steroids. GrammarlyGO takes that a step further, brainstorming content ideas and doing a lot of the writing for you. And it’s hiding right there in the browser version that you’re (hopefully) already using: just tap the little lightbulb, and follow the prompts!

Namelix is a business name generator that suggests… you guessed it… catchy names for your business or project. If, for example, you wanted a name for an AI business name generator, it might suggest anything from Orygin to BRANE to Qreative – and it’ll even check if the domain name is available!

InsideSales automates your sales process, identifying promising leads, setting up appointments and even helping with follow-up emails!

Sniper AI is a recruitment tool that matches applicants’ CVs with the job description, cutting down the time it takes to find suitable candidates.

Despite all the fear that AI is coming to take your job, the truth is that – for now at least – it’s actually coming to help you do your job better. In a recent Microsoft survey, 47% of small business owners said that AI could be a valuable asset for their business. For youngers Gen Zers, that number is even higher, at 71%.

The secret is to know where and how to use it. In that same Microsoft survey, nearly nine out of 10 business leaders (88%) who see themselves as experts in AI said that it will be a game changer.

Turn to us

Vodacom Business is the ideal partner for autonomous AI technology due to our unwavering commitment to innovation and extensive network infrastructure. Our cutting-edge solutions empower us to harness the full potential of AI, enabling seamless automation and intelligent decision-making across our operations.


