Clean desk, happy mind
08 January 2024


Clean desk, happy mind

Tidying your space might seem like an insignificant activity, but research shows that it can have psychological benefits.

It makes sense that having a tidy desk and desktop will make us more productive – it's easier to find items, for one thing. But neatness is also good for the mind.

The Harvard Business Review references a study by scientists at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute that demonstrates that our brains like order and that our ability to focus is reduced when our surroundings are disorganised. This makes sense if you consider that research continually shows that we're actually unable to fully focus on more than one thing at a time. Studies have also shown that we're more likely to procrastinate when we feel overwhelmed by our environment.

How to tidy your desk

So if your desk is an absolute mess and you're feeling inundated, where can you start?

  1. Clear off the desk surface completely. This allows you to start with a clean slate and helps you see the space more clearly.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe down your desk, computer, keyboard, and other surfaces. Dusting regularly helps maintain a clean and healthy workspace.
  3. Consider using desk organizers, such as trays, pen holders, or drawer organizers, to keep small items in their place.
  4. While decorations can add personality to your desk, be mindful not to overcrowd the space. Choose a few meaningful items that contribute positively to your work environment.
  5. Whenever possible, digitise documents and files to reduce paper clutter. Use cloud storage or a filing system on your computer to keep important documents organized.
  6. Sort your computer desktop icons. If you right-click on your desktop, you can select how you want to arrange your icons, for example, by date added or date last opened. The new macOS, also allows you to sort your items into Stacks, according to type (documents, images, presentations etc). If you use a Windows computer, you can arrange your items using Fences.
  7. Wherever possible, sort your files into folders. Start with three standard folders for Work, Personal and Family. From there, create sub-folders in each one for different projects.
  8. Use the other folders on your computer, such as documents. Keep only items you're currently working with on your desktop. Once you've finished a project, move the files into your documents folder. Organise them in specific sub-folders there too!
  9. Take a few minutes at the end of each day to put things away and tidy up both on your work desk and computer desktop. This prevents clutter from accumulating over time.

Decluttering is just one way to pursue a happy mindset. For more ways to improve your mental wellbeing, read this article about finding JOMO – the Joys of Missing Out.

