Here’s Why Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day Is More Important Than You Think
13 October 2022


Here’s Why Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day Is More Important Than You Think

Don’t neglect your desktop – it’ll keep your computer system running smoothly for longer.  

Among all our better-known national awareness days lurk some obscure ones – National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day anyone? Creating widespread awareness of a seemingly mundane task might seem trivial, but it’s not. Cleaning up your computer desktop can help your valuable equipment run better and boost your productivity – so much so that it may even warrant taking a day off! Here’s how...

Makes everything run smoother

Notice how slow your computer has become since you initially got it? This is down to many factors, and one of those is an overcrowded desktop. Cleaning up your digital desktop frees up space that allows the machine to run smoothly and declutters the desktop visually, making for a more pleasant and efficient work experience.

Saves RAM

If you don’t understand exactly what random access memory (RAM) is, don’t worry. All you need to know is that the more of it you have, the quicker and smoother your computer runs. Do you know what frees up RAM? A clean desktop. This also gives you a chance at a fresh start with your computer – no need for a new one when “old faithful” is still going strong.

Reminds you to back up your data

If you haven’t cleaned up your desktop in a long time, imagine what the rest of the computer looks like! Well, since you’re in a cleaning mood, and are making a day of it, it’s a good time to do some other admin. This includes backing up your data to a cloud or separate storage device. The data is safe on another platform and the next act becomes more bearable.

Gets rid of dead wood

We know you’ve been keeping that report just in case you need to show someone those amazing stats you pulled in 2009. However, unless it’s a matter of national security, it’s time to dump it.

You’ll be thankful later when the extra space makes your computer run faster and smoother. Plus, if you’ve followed the previous step and backed things up, you’ll still have it ready and available for your big moment.

It works for your phone too

Tidying up your phone allows you to order your apps according to how much you use them. But the most crucial task is to delete any unused apps. Sure, you may think you’re eventually going to need that app you haven’t used for six months, but if you haven’t by now, you probably never will.

As with a computer and laptop, cleaning up the desktop saves your phone’s RAM. Plus, it can improve its battery life. By removing an app, you remove something potentially running in the background, which is how apps commonly drain battery life and slow down the phone.

When should I consider an upgrade?

If you’ve cleaned up your ageing device and it doesn’t make a difference, it’s time to replace it. Vodacom has some great laptop deals to replace your outdated clunker with a new and improved model. While you’re at it, remember to get super-fast internet with that super-fast new laptop. Just check out these great Vodacom Fibre deals.

