How Jaques Matlawe stays connected with his kids with a R500 Cash Advance from VodaLend
Financial Services
24 August 2023


How Jaques Matlawe stays connected with his kids with a R500 Cash Advance from VodaLend

Keeping up with your offspring is important, and with Vodacom this father has been keeping in contact with and assisting his kids

If you are a parent, you know how worrisome it can be not to be able to get in touch with your kids. However, thanks to VodaLend Cash Advance, there’s now a solution for this concern.  

With this instant cash boost of up to R500 accessible on the VodaPay app, parents like Jaques Matlawe now have peace of mind knowing that they can stay connected with their kids even when they are apart.

He emphasizes that as a parent, staying in touch with his children through phone calls and text messages is a primary focus for him. The VodaPay Cash Advance which is paid immediately into a customer’s VodaPay Wallet once approved, helps him to do just that. Whether it’s providing airtime and data for them or making DSTV payments and paying for electricity on a daily basis, this service has become his go-to solution.

“I have been using the Cash Advance product and it has been a lifesaver for me. The ease of accessibility is fantastic as I can apply anywhere as long as I have a strong internet connection,” Jaques Matlawe.

Residing in a rural area can present difficulties when it comes to accessing financial services. However, with VodaPay, I can easily make transactions no matter my location overcoming the hurdles I faced before. Not only that, but the airtime and data prices on VodaPay are relatively cheaper compared to other platforms.

One feature I absolutely love is the exclusive offers available on the app. It’s a great way to save on costs especially when purchasing airtime and data for my kids.

“I highly recommend the VodaLend Cash Advance service to anyone looking for a convenient, affordable and reliable way to cover unexpected expenses. It has truly made a positive impact on my life”, Jaques Matlawe.

#KeepThingsMoving just like Jaques does with an instant Cash Advance of up to R500 anytime, anywhere only on VodaPay. Click here to download the app.

