Looking for sponsorship from Vodacom?
Do it yourself
02 December 2019


Looking for sponsorship from Vodacom?

As an iconic brand, we attract a huge amount of sponsorship requests. Here's what to know if you are interested in sponsorship from Vodacom.

As an iconic brand, we attract a huge amount of sponsorship requests. Here's what you need to know if you are interested in sponsorship from Vodacom.

First, how do we define sponsorship?

Sponsorship is the acquisition of rights to create associations between a brand and a property, delivering measurable benefits to the sponsor as part of its business and brand strategies.

Is your commercial sponsorship right for Vodacom?

We look for sponsorships that will help form positive associations with our brand while delivering on commercial objectives and commitments. In order to meet our sponsorship objectives, it is our policy not to sponsor the following categories:

• Political or religious associations

• Sponsorship properties that have already given significant brand exposure for our competitors in telecoms

• Sponsorship properties that are perceived to have or encompass a violent or dangerous nature

• Sponsorship of teams (we are well represented by our current sponsorships)

• Sponsorship of individuals (by exception only)

• An event that is due to commence within the next six months

The areas we look to sponsor are in:

• Arts and culture — including popular culture and entertainment

• Youth and gaming – commercial partnerships

• Sport — from global to local properties

• Thought leadership — we want to be associated with like-minded properties and organisations that will help create a distinction from our competitors

If your request meets all of the above, please email sponsorship@vodacom.co.za. If your sponsorship is related to Vodacom Foundation, please direct your request here.

Header photo by John Mark Arnold on Unsplash

