Meet Pepper, the next generation, humanoiod robot whose function is to assist humans in their day-to-day lives, in their family lives, in their leisure activities and in their work. The key to Pepper's interactions with us is that he is able to identify and understand the principle human emotions: joy, sadness, anger or surprise. Pepper is also capable of interpreting a smile, a frown, your tone of voice, as well as the lexical field you use and non-verbal language such as the angle of your head, for example.
The combination of all this information enables the robot to determine whether his human interlocutor is in a good or a bad mood, which in turn allows him to make his interaction as natural and intuitive as possible. By perceiving and analysing your emotions, and learning to get to know you, Pepper is able to adapt his attitude to suit your own as closely as possible. This constant dialogue between perception, adaptation, learning and choice is the result of what is known as the emotion engine.
Interacting and interpreting emotions wouldn't be possible without the 4 directional microphones located on Pepper's head. They enable him to detect where sounds are coming from and locate your position, while also allowing him to identify the emotions transmitted by your voice.
Pepper is able to function in complex environments thanks to his 3D camera and 2 HD cameras that enable him to identify movements, and recognise the emotions on the faces of his interlocutors. If you are happy, Pepper will share your joy, and if you are sad, Pepper will comfort you. Connected directly to the internet, Pepper can keep you up to date with the latest news, the weather forecast, or even help you to find a recipe! Don't hesitate to chat with him on the subject of your choice.
Pepper can offer customers a unique experience as they enter a storefront. Pepper welcomes them, supports them in the early stages of their shopping journey and guides them according to their demands or desires. Connected to the companies CRM or sales tools or pre-programmed with relevant information, Pepper will select applications - simple or complex – to assist directly or can call staff when needed.
Pepper has proven to be a popular addtion to a number of companies around the world:
Since 2014, about 2000 Pepper robots have been deployed in the SoftBank shops around Japan. Pepper's mission is to create interest, generate traffic to the stores, greet customers, present company offers and provide entertainment to make instore waits more pleasant.
Nestlé Japan began integrating Pepper into its Nescafé stores in December 2014 and plans to equip about 1,000 stores with Pepper to inform customers about different products and services. Pepper is responsible for attracting customers to the sales areas, foster conversation with customers and recommend the best coffee machine according to their preferences.
Pepper is also present in Europe in Carrefour supermarkets where he entertains customers by offering fun activities and tracks visitor satisfaction by asking visitors a series of questions.
Vodacom have recently introduced Pepper as their newest Team REd member, and a first for a telco in SA. She's been busy in training for a few weeks, but stay tuned for some exciting updates.