Proactive AI Prompts To Improve Your Productivity
Tips and tricks
18 July 2024


Proactive AI Prompts To Improve Your Productivity

How to write ChatGPT prompts that’ll boost your proactivity and optimise your workday.

There’s so much more to ChatGPT than just helping high schoolers cheat on their homework assignments. With a well-phrased prompt, this text-based AI tool can be a useful business tool as well.  

The secret lies in getting the prompt right. Remember to use verbs (action words, like “write”, “summarise”, or “explain”), and to be clear and specific in what you’re looking for. Here are five examples of how ChatGPT prompts could make your Monday-to-Friday a whole lot easier.  

1. Teach Me 

We’ve all been there. Your boss or client drops a complex topic into the conversation, and you nod like you know exactly what they’re talking about (which in fact you don’t have a clue). Rather than googling it, ask ChatGPT to unpack it for you in the most basic way.  

Prompt: “Explain [THE TOPIC] like I’m a 5-year-old.” 

2. Coach Me 

Having trouble with a difficult coworker, client or supplier? Facing a tough decision? Need some guidance? You can get hands-on management coaching (even if you’re not a manager) from your AI best friend. ChatGPT is great at providing dispassionate advice – and it can even give you examples of what your business idols would do in the same situation.  

Prompt: “Here’s the situation I’m facing: [DESCRIBE SITUATION]. What should I do?” 

Prompt: “Here’s the situation I’m facing: [DESCRIBE SITUATION]. What would Steve Jobs do?” 

3. Organise My Day 

Your calendar is packed, your inbox is full, and you’re feeling completely overwhelmed. What’s your move? Feed your task list into ChatGPT and ask it to compile a prioritised to-do list for you.  

Prompt: “Here’s a list of what I need to get done today. [WRITE OUT YOUR LIST OF TASKS] Compile a prioritised to-do list for me.” 

4. Write It For Me 

Writing doesn’t come naturally to everybody, and weird things can happen between your brain and your keyboard. As a generative AI tool, ChatGPT is great at this sort of thing. Feed in a few bullet points, ask for help with phrasing, describe your audience, and watch the machine do its magic!  

Remember, though, that ChatGPT is an American invention and a robot… so check the text for American spelling, wild generalisations, and inappropriately formal tone.  

Prompt: “Please write an email to [AUDIENCE] about [INSERT YOUR ROUGH NOTES].” 

Prompt: “Summarise this text into a presentation with [NUMBER] slides. Include a title for each slide, and present the slide content as a bullet list of no more than [NUMBER] items. Prepare a separate set of concise speaking notes for each slide. [INSERT YOUR ROUGH NOTES]” 

5. Summarise It For Me  

TLDR is one of our favourite online acronyms. “Too long, didn’t read.” If you’ve been sent a long (or long-winded) report or email, ChatGPT can pick out the key points for you while you get some real work done. 

Prompt: “Review this text and summarise its key points in bullets. [INSERT TEXT]” 

AI can make your job easier and more productive. By learning the above prompts you’re already well on your way to getting things done better and faster. Learn more about AI and other tech innovations in our Metaverse/AI section

