Staying well informed is becoming quite a challenge these days. You need to spend a significant amount of time flipping between news sites to ensure you are up to date on the latest business and economic news. The new SAccess App saves you precious time, by aggregating the latest business breaking news, personal finance, property, banking, markets, stocks, oil, gas and more from local and international markets, from trusted media sources.
VodaMedia partnered with news aggregator, Squid, to launch a local news portal with global standard content. The SAccess App is the ultimate business news app. Users can choose their interest categories, according to local news portals, about their community, voices in their community as well as global business and economic news.
This is truly the most comprehensive access to business and market news you will ever need. The SAccess App is where you are able to get reliable sources for business and market news all in one app.
Some of the business publications on the SAccess App include:
The Daily Maverick
The Financial Times
Business Tech
And more….