Shape up with Video Play
Movies / Series
06 November 2019


Shape up with Video Play

Get summer-ready with these workout series available on Video Play.

Are you ready for summer? Don’t panic if you aren’t quite there yet – Video Play has a number of fitness series that are both practical and fun that will get you there.

Bellydance with Samsara

Belly dancing is known for being for all shapes and sizes, so there’s no need to be shy – especially as you can now practice in your very own living room! This Arabic expressive dance style may look complicated, but Samsara is here to teach you this beautiful and unique art form.

Combined Training

Bollywood and celebrity trainer Abbas Ali is here to give you a complete workout, taking it step-by-step over five episodes. Start with your lower body, move on to your upper body, then put it all together with a full-body workout, before focusing on your breathing and abs.

Combined Training


Take a trip to Brazil, where acrobatics and dance are combined to create a type of martial arts. Through a 30-minute workout, you’ll get a taste of the rich cultural heritage (which stems from Africa) that is behind this exercise form.

Swiss Pilates & Yoga

The benefits of yoga and pilates on both the mind and the body have been widely acknowledged. If you haven’t yet tried either one, take a deep breath and get ready to transform your life in six episodes.


Train Like a Cheerleader

Top trainer Esmee Gummer brings this popular American sport to your living room. Just be sure to move the furniture out of the way before you start this high-energy dance routine!

Feeling inspired but don’t yet have a Video Play account? Sign up now and get access to all these fitness videos, plus a whole lot more!

Header photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

