SPIRIT Unleashing potential: Videsha’s vision for Vodacom Business
Inside Vodacom
04 October 2024


SPIRIT Unleashing potential: Videsha’s vision for Vodacom Business

Get to know Videsha Prootveerajh, the Director of Vodacom Business at Vodacom South Africa.

Videsha Proothveerajh, the Director of Vodacom Business at Vodacom South Africa, is a trailblazing leader at the forefront of digital transformation. She shares her inspiring journey, unique leadership insights, and unwavering passion for empowering women through technology.

What inspired you to pursue a career in technology?

I had an inspiring lecturer who showed me the unquestionable link between technology and business and people enablement–it was love at first sight! 

Share a defining moment in your career that shaped your leadership style?

When I first became a people leader, I was surrounded by Type A personalities and felt that I had to copy that style to be successful. It was very difficult being a different person at work and someone else outside of work, and this brought much unhappiness. 

My mentor at the time explained situational leadership and how I could have critical and difficult discussions when needed, and then easily go back to being me. It was life-changing!  

Tell us about a project or initiative that you are particularly proud of.

There are many projects and initiatives that I am proud of and some not so proud of. I believe that I am the sum total of all the experiences of my life: the good, the bad, the ugly and the fabulous. 

I am very passionate about giving back and using the platforms we have to create positive change and impact in the world. One example of this is my passion for the upliftment of women and the girl child. In a previous role, we worked on a programme to empower girls and women through technology skills to expand economic opportunities and empower them to innovate in their community. In 2018 we achieved the five-year goal of reducing the internet gender gap and improving the lives of five million women in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. 

Describe “curated authenticity”, which you consider your key competency 

Being authentic is very important to me, and working in spaces that allow me to be authentic is even more important. Being able to bring my whole and true self to the table is key to my happiness, and a happy Videsha is a very productive Videsha. 

I also understand that sometimes we have to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes to be able to better connect with them–to have empathy and be able to read a room or an individual and change what you need, to be able to better connect with the audience or person, never compromising my values or integrity but being willing to meet others where they are at.  

What are your impressions of Vodacom since joining as Business Director?

The people are phenomenal, and the spirit and feel are very entrepreneurial. There is much potential at the heart of Vodacom Business – we must unearth and unleash it!  

Tell us which part of this job makes your heart beat faster (in a good way!).

I am a techie at heart, and I value working for a purpose-led organisation–so the intersection of this makes my heart go BOOM! When I see us using technology to overcome barriers such as access to connectivity and enabling people, communities and countries to take their rightful place in society and on the global stage, it inspires me big time!  

How do you envision the future of digital transformation in South Africa?

South Africa’s digital transformation has enormous potential to stimulate economic recovery, advance social and gender equality, and address the unemployment crisis. We do however face critical challenges in digital development, including underdeveloped digital infrastructure, lack of affordable connectivity, a massive digital gender gap, limited skills for digitally enabled industries, and sometimes inadequate regulatory and policy environments. 

However, technology has a way of leapfrogging challenges, and our digital transformation will redefine industries, enhancing new business models and providing businesses with extraordinary future growth opportunities.  

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your career?

Knowing my “why” with great clarity makes the “how” very easy. Always striving for excellence in everything I do but not being too hard on myself when I fail. Failing fast and failing forward. 

Staying ridiculously curious, being adaptable, taking risks, finding people who inspire me, being a student of lifelong learning and unlearning, not staying in comfort zones for too long, pulling others up as I climb, being vulnerable, building a network of people that I can learn from, giving back, and always remembering to have fun.   

How do you handle setbacks and failures?

With much grace, gentleness and love for myself. I am not beyond having a good cry on a loved one’s shoulder, eating a ton of carbs, indulging in retail shoe therapy, and then getting back on the horse and trying again. 

I believe that failure is a ladder to success and a growth mindset, reflecting and learning, asking for feedback and then trying new ways to approach the same task. 

Optimism, resilience and grit are key personality traits for success, and an attitude of gratitude is something I choose every day. 

What impact do you ultimately hope to make at Vodacom Business?

To enhance heart in the business and help my people grow exponentially. Doing so, we will jointly unearth the potential of the business to drive stakeholder and shareholder value. 

As the digital transformation partner to our current and potential customers, Vodacom Business will be a growth engine for a sustainable Vodacom South Africa.

On a personal note

How do you approach work-life balance in a high-pressure role such as this one?

Work-life balance is a myth. We have one life, and work is but one of the many aspects of it. When starting this new role, I was aware of the need for much time away from my family and friends. I spoke to them about it to explain the need for a super support structure that aids an “off-balance on purpose” time in my life. 

I have a life coach who is amazing. I do yoga and meditate and walk to alleviate stress, and I have a morning ritual that seeks to ensure high levels of energy. 

In an alternate universe, what other career might you have pursued and why?

Archaeologist–I was fascinated with a sarcophagus I saw in a museum, which prompted my curiosity about ancient civilisations, theories of evolution and fossils. However, a teacher incorrectly informed me that there was not much scope in South Africa for this type of career, yet we have the cradle of civilisation in my backyard! 

Can you share a quirky or fun fact about yourself that not many people know?

I dabble in the esoteric. I am a reiki master and a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coach. I am a huge believer in energy work and use it daily. 

What do you wish you had more time for?

Cooking for my loved ones every day and time to put toward research for a doctorate.

