The Art Of Being A Superwoman
11 August 2021


The Art Of Being A Superwoman

This Women’s Month we get to know the powerhouse that is content creator and businesswoman Olwethu Leshabane.

Tell us a bit about your background and upbringing?

I was born in Port Elizabeth/Gqeberha and grew up between there, East London, Umtata, Polokwane and Pretoria. My dad worked for a corporate that would transfer him around the country quite a lot and the family would move along with him.

What is Art of Superwoman? 

Art of Superwoman is my Tumblr blog that I started in 2013/14 – back when blogging on Tumblr was super cool! I later registered the domain and started blogging from there. The early days of the blog involved sharing and reflecting on my journey as a young mom, career woman and wife. Over the years we’ve evolved to address and serve our community’s needs for information on parenting, careers, wellness, womenomics (finances), lifestyle, and relationships.

How would you define digi parenting?

Every parent in this age is a digi parent. Parenting in the digital age requires us to know better – and we can, because we now have a lot more ease of access to information. When we know more and know better, we do better. We don’t have to be intimidated by the digital age. We need to lean into this digital wave so we can be aware of what our children access online and make better-informed, safe parenting decisions.

How has Vodacom Digi Parenting benefited your family and you as a parent?

I love the platform for being so informative about the topic of access, and also helping parents navigate some of those tough concerns about digital security.

Your three boys went back to attending school this year, but what are some things you learnt last year while they were at home doing online schooling?

I learnt that I’m a better mom than I am a teacher! I also learnt that online digital learning has advanced so much. From the computer software through to the teachers being able to navigate classwork with kids who aren’t in the same room as them – teaching is a calling for sure. I also learnt something I took for granted for a while; that stable connectivity is no longer just a want, but a need.


If you could host a dinner party with any three women living or dead, who would you choose and why?

My late grandmother, my mom, and my mom-in-law. I know my grandmother would have got along so well with my mom-in-law – they would’ve been best friends. And I know my mom would’ve loved the vibes and prayers in the room. I don’t think we’d even get around to eating!

What would you say to the women of South Africa this Women’s Month? 

We’ve fought for so long, and sometimes even against each other. It’s time to keep moving forward together as women and building each other. Us women hold the keys to the solutions the world needs. When you experience competition from another woman, it can feel quite aggressive and your instinct is to push back and fight back – but what we need to do is unite our voices. Women shouldn’t remain silent; we should feel heard. The mistake we sometimes make is silencing each other. When we feel someone push up on us, we want to push back. But I encourage all women to come together more than ever. Everything starts and ends with us – our vulnerability, courage, love, empathy, natural ability to collaborate – we know how these values have built nations over time. I love what Dr Bertice Berry [the American sociologist and educator] says in one of her Instagram TV videos: “Sometimes the thing that seems like the obvious solution is exactly what we should not do.”

