What would your business look like with all the right support in place?
Financial Services
21 June 2023

Zilungile Zimela

What would your business look like with all the right support in place?

Small business owners often struggle to secure capital facilities from financiers due to inconsistent or non-existent financial track records and collateral assets for surety.

In many instances, what stands between a business and its growth is finance and the right tools in place. This is specifically more pronounced in Small to medium enterprises that have more challenges to wrestle with especially post Covid. From sourcing finance, keeping the doors open to hiring more staff and scaling – challenges come from all directions of the wind for SMEs.

“Due to their size and lack of collateral, SMEs often find it difficult to secure loans from banks. This can limit their ability to invest in new equipment or expand their businesses.” Source: The Ant Capital

Small business owners often struggle to secure capital facilities from financiers due to inconsistent or non-existent financial track records and collateral assets for surety. Inevitably what this does is to demotivate business owners from appreciating and harnessing the entrepreneurial challenge.

“With a focus on continuous learning and development as well as an open mindset towards embracing new technologies, South African SMEs are sure to succeed in today’s business landscape.” Source: The Ant Capital

Having front row viewing of all the issues that SMEs are faced with, how do we ensure that they too have access to tangible financial inclusion and allowed the opportunity to be in business with the confidence that is required for them grow from strength to strength?


Who and What is the spirit of Sinawe?

Ultimately, what SMEs are trying to overcome is ‘The Lack of an Enabling Environment’, the truth is that, South African businesses are looking for support and empowerment more than ever. Yet,who partners with SMEs? Who champions them? Who shows a commitment to them? Who sees them for their future potential and not just their current circumstance? Who wants to connect them to more than solutions, but to an enabling environment?

This is where Sinawe comes from... A preposition that says, we see your vision. Now let’s get you there. It is a way to demonstrate [Further Together] with a vision of an enabling environment, building it into an ownable platform to create an empowered space for business owners in the SME universe.

With our credibility, the expertise at our disposal and our solutions, we are in a perfect position to answer the call, showing that purpose and profit are not mutually exclusive.

Sinawe to help you go from starting a business to thriving in business...

When we say Sinawe, we mean your business will never again miss another sale while transacting with customers.

Sinawe as a solution means, we provide the right technology, designed to provide support through your business journey; an ecosystem that makes new revenue streams accessible and easy, and a commitment to the growth and expansion of SMEs.
Sinawe also serves as a commitment that businesses make to the communities they serve, speaks to the enablement of safe and convenient payments and access to the products and services they need and enjoy in order to unlock their growth potential.

Whether you operate a car wash eKasi or beauty parlour in Sea point – Sinawe.

Our ecosystem boasts with solutions designed with your unique business in mind:

  • Card machines (Max/Kwika) designed to keep you doing business anywhere, anytime.
  • Our e-Commerce payment gateways allow you to take the business online with ease
  • Chop-Chop QR Scan, now even a car guard, with no bank account can become part of the digital economy.
  • VodaPay Tap on Phone App: you’ve always had a card machine in your pocket, all you needed was the app.

Get the right card machine, business funding and payment gateways to set your business up for success here. 


Zilungile Zimela