5 ways to focus your mind
15 January 2020


5 ways to focus your mind

This Creativity Month, we look at simple techniques can help you be more focussed.

This Creativity Month, we look to the ancient art of meditation for inspiration. If you’re new to it, ease in by first practising mindfulness – the moment-to-moment state of heightened awareness. Using these simple techniques can help you be more focussed – wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.

1. Observe your breathing

Taking just three deep breaths – inhaling and exhaling slowly and for longer than usual – oxygenates your body and calms your mind. Following this, your breathing should be more measured, allowing you to relax into a rhythmic flow of air in and out. In the video below, Dr Belisa Vranich, a psychologist and breathing expert, explains more about how to breathe properly.

2. Connect with your senses

Consciously processing what you touch, smell, taste, hear and see is the most basic way to be present. Being hyper-aware of your immediate experience is very relaxing – and rewarding, as you won’t miss anything that might spark creative thought.

3. Listen completely

Your sense of sound is a clear route to a more mindful state of being. If you tune in to what someone is actually saying, without letting your thoughts wander to what you have to say, your conversations and collaborations will be way more productive. Here, sound expert Julian Treasure reveals five techniques to help us listen better.

4. Pause before every action

Stop to feel the weight of your phone in your hand before unlocking it and think clearly about your purpose for picking it up. When it rings, take a moment to listen to the tone before rushing to answer it. This will refresh your energy for the task ahead. 

5. Get things done with guidance

Visualisation is a form of meditation that can motivate you to take action and complete even the most tedious of tasks. The Honest Guys is a popular and practical YouTube channel that offers free instructional videos to people around the world. This one’s pretty powerful: a guided meditation to stop procrastination. 

Need more motivation for the year ahead? Click here to find out which inspirational podcasts to listen to in order to boost your creativity levels! And don't forget that Video Tickets can make it easier to watch your favourite content over and over again on YouTube. Click here to find out more about how to use the Vodacom Video Ticket.

Header photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

